Introducing the 2016 Regional Telethon Home

WA Country Builders are excited to announce planning for the 2016 Regional Telethon home is currently underway in Albany! We have been very fortunate to secure a block at ‘Springdale Beach’ in beautiful Denmark. LWP Developers have kindly donated the block and are very keen to work with WA Country Builders on promoting their beautiful estate along with the home. The block is located at lot 252 Triggerplant Loop, Springdale Beach Denmark.
Springdale Beach Estate features large rural type blocks and as such, we are building a Rural Building Company home. The floorplan of the home is modeled on the Marri View, however, it has been modified to showcase a more ‘square’ front – a little like an Argyle. Some initial renders are attached below.
We are so excited in Albany to be building the home this year and have been humbled by the generous offers of support from our suppliers and tradespeople.
Stay tuned for further updates!