JWH Group teams win big in the MBA South West awards!

WA Country Builders and Plunkett Homes are proud to share their great success at the 2022 Master Builders Association of WA Bankwest Building Excellence Awards South West.
The South West teams were honoured to bring home a bundle of awards, including Best Overall Display Home and Best Customer service.
The South West Building Excellence Awards combine both residential and commercial construction of the South West region.
These awards showcase and reward builders who demonstrate exceptional craftsmanship, commitment to building excellence and uphold the highest professional standard.
General Manager Tony Harvie said these awards are a reflection of the high standard of workmanship by WA Country Builders and Plunkett Homes.
The awards, also recognise the quality of work achieved by engaged contractors and tradespeople.
“It is humbling to be recognised by the Master Builders Association and amongst a high calibre of peers within the industry,” Tony said.
“To be recognised and awarded across multiple categories, is a testament to our brands, showcasing our products, high quality homes and superior workmanship.
Tony said the awards reflected the superior quality of workmanship of specialist trades in the south-west.
“The spotlight is on the talent of skilled, local tradespeople for awards won including Excellence in Carpentry, Excellence in Floor and Wall Tiling and the Silver Trowel Award,” he said.
“As the State’s largest regional builder, we are invested in the local communities. We engage with local trades, employ local people and serve a long-term commitment to the regional towns.
“We take pride in supporting the communities through building operations, contributing to a strong sense of community – part of what makes the regional areas a great place to live.”
“As well as the recognition these respected awards bring, I congratulate all of the staff who have worked so hard over the past twelve months and successfully delivered exceptional homes in the south-west region and I look forward to continuing this success into the future.
Comments attributed to by Master Builders Executive Director John Gelavis.
Master Builders Executive Director John Gelavis was pleased with the entries in the 2022 regional awards after coming out of a difficult two years.
“During such unprecedented times, we were pleased to see our regional members continuing to deliver excellence in their work for excellence”, Mr Gelavis said.
“It’s great so see such high quality and consistent product being delivered in the South West region by proud MBA members like WA Country Builders and Plunkett Homes.”
Best Contract Homes up to $250,000
Winner – WA Country Builders, Pardelup Approach, Dalyellup
Finalist – Plunkett Homes, Handley Road, Harvey
Finalist – Plunkett Homes, Hayward Street, South Bunbury
Best Contract Homes $250,000 – $320,000
Winner – Plunkett Homes, Primrose Vista, Millbridge
Best Contract Homes $320,000 – $370,000
Winner – Plunkett Homes, Osmington Road, Bramley
Finalist – WA Country Builders, Marine Terrace, Geographe
Best Contract Homes $430,000 – $500,000
Winner – WA Country Builders, Marlston Drive, Bunbury
Best Contract Homes $500,000 – $650,000
Winner – WA Country Builders, Spoonbill Road, Vasse
Finalist – Plunkett Homes, Lecaille Court, Dunsborough
Best Overall Display Home
Winner – Plunkett Homes, The Ambergate Caretta Street, Vasse
Excellence in Brick & Block Paving
Paul Hansford & Plunkett Homes, Primrose Vista, Millbridge
Excellence in Carpentry
Casey’s Carpentry Services & WA Country Builders, Spoonbill Road, Vasse
Excellence in Concreting
Galcat Concreting & Plunkett Homes, Lecaille Court, Dunsborough
Excellence in External Finishes
Bermuda Plastering & Plunkett Homes, Lecaille Court, Dunsborough
Excellence in Floor & Wall Tiling
P.h. Cunha & D Pinto & WA Country Builders, Spoonbill Road, Vasse
Excellence in Painting
Costello Painters and Decorators & WA Country Builders, Spoonbill Road, Vasse
Silver Trowel
Rh Carn & Na Coxall & Plunkett Homes, Primrose Vista, Millbridge
Tradesperson of the Year
Casey’s Carpentry Services & WA Country Builders, Spoonbill Road, Vasse
Best Customer Service Medium Builder
Plunkett Homes
Medium Builder of the Year
Plunkett Homes
2022 Best Country Home South West Region
Finalist – WA Country Builders, Spoonbill Road, Vasse